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Drama Long Term Plan

Drama Learning Journey

KS5 Drama Learning Journey

Drama Recommended Reading

What is Drama about?

Drama is more than being able to perform. We aim for students to develop and refine their performance and creative skills in an environment where they can express their own ideas and develop an understanding of style and intention to create imaginative and insightful work. Through performing, creating and observing work from different genres, cultures and time periods, students develop an inquisitive and analytical mind. We aspire to broaden and enrich students’ experiences both in an out of the classroom to provide a lifelong and positive relationship with the arts.

What do we teach in Drama and why?

Drama focuses on three key domains

  • Devising (creating)
  • Performance
  • Analysing and Evaluating

In KS3, students learn and develop performance skills and apply them to a variety of scenarios and characters. They improvise, create and refine their work through the use of different rehearsal strategies, learning how to evaluate their own and others work to aid improvement and build confidence.
During KS3, students study different genres of drama, bring popular texts / plays to life and tackle social and moral issues through discussion, creation and performance.

In KS4 students build upon the skills and knowledge learnt in KS3. Both the practical and written work interlink, creating a holistic approach to learning that aids understanding. Students develop their performing and devising skills through the use of teacher and student led workshops that lead to more complex and original work. They develop communication, collaboration and analytical and interpretive skills through exploring a their own and others work as well as a set text.

At KS5 students build upon the skills and knowledge previously learnt. They will explore the work of practitioners and use their approaches to influence and create their own work. Students continue to develop their analytical and interpretive skills through exploring a their own and others work as well as two set texts. Students are given the opportunity to visit universities and participate in open days and are encouraged and supported to continue their studies in drama and/or find a career pathway within the arts.

All drama lessons and rehearsals allow students to practice to perfect by providing time to explore, respond and refine their work. They develop the courage and confidence to perform and share their ideas in a safe and supportive learning environment, working independently or collaboratively with others in a variety of groups. They will experience live and recorded drama, and respond to a variety of texts, and will begin to develop an appreciation of theatre styles and vocabulary. Students are challenged to stretch themselves. Oracy skills are developed, using vocabulary that are taught and imbedded through regular retrieval and peer and self-feedback. Homework and written work supports literacy skills and is used to deepen learning and prepare students for lessons and the written exams (Written exams - KS4 and 5 only)
What does the Drama enable our students to do?
Devising – Research, explore and create work from a range of stimuli. Understand and apply a variety of rehearsal strategies to enrich work.
Performance – Become more technically proficient and confident performers in range of genres demonstrating the ability to appropriately select and apply vocal and physical performance skills to suit the character or context.
Analysing and Evaluating: Be able to explain what makes performance effective and apply this to their own and others. Describe and explain how production features contribute to the intent of a work.

Students develop an appreciation of drama and the arts and build the confidence to involve themselves in activities both inside and out of school. Drama encourages skills that are important in everyday life including, communication, collaboration, commitment, confidence, empathy and tolerance.

How is the curriculum structured in Drama?


  • Students participate in one lesson per week.
  • A different topic/ theme is explored each half term/ term.


  • Students can then select Drama as a GCSE option.
  • GCSE Drama is a two-year course taught over 3 lessons per week.


  • Students can then select Drama as an A-Level option
  • A-Level Drama is a two-year course taught over 4/5 lessons per week.

What specifications do we follow?

GCSE Edexcel 1DR0

A-LEVEL Edexcel 9DR0

What are the links between Dance and other subjects?

Drama has clear links with a number of subjects, the most obvious being those in the performing arts such as dance and music as they share vocabulary and the skills of performing and creating whilst developing teamwork, confidence and rigour. As a Performing and Visual arts Specialist school, these disciplines work collaboratively, particularly on school productions.
Links can be made with English as the work of Shakespeare is explored and brought to life, whilst other texts and poems are used as stimuli. Links to citizenship and history are evident as students tackle historical, social, emotional and moral issues.

What are the future careers students can take when they study Drama?

A qualification in drama can form the basis of preparatory study for specialised careers as a actor, director or working in the theatre industry.
A qualification in drama can lead directly into careers in Performing: Live theatre performer, extra, musicals, radio presenter, voice-over artist Education and Theatre: College/university professor of theatre, Drama coach, or Drama teacher. Behind the Scenes: Broadcast technician, costume designer, lighting designer, makeup artist, set designer, sound designer, special effects artist, stage director, stage manager Business Side of Theatre: Advertising, casting director, company manager, producer and touring manager.

What extra-curricular activities can students take part when you study Drama?

A weekly drama club is open to all KS3 students with the opportunity to perform in assemblies and school productions. There is also the opportunity of year 6 students to audition to enter the school via the Performing and Visual Arts (PVA) route. If successful, students participate in an extra lesson a week in their chosen arts discipline whilst in years 7 and 8. These students work towards their Bronze Arts Award in year 7 and their LAMDA acting qualification in year 8. Students are provided with the opportunity to enrich their experience by attending theatre trips and participating in workshops with professional artists and companies.