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Character Education

The Character Education program contributes to the ongoing personal development of our young people, and as part of it, all students in Kingsmead explore the following different areas:

The Character Education program is spiral, and it is delivered during tutorial sessions, school assemblies and Drop-Down Days. Students revisit and deepen their knowledge of the curriculum year on year as follows:

Autumn I Citizenship
Autumn II Safety
Spring I Health
Spring II Careers
Summer I Relationships
Summer II Equality, Diversity and Culture

The lessons have been developed to be age appropriate and to build on prior learning. Within the context of each topic, students use their learning and personal experiences to develop their own moral frameworks through which they will explore the world. Students engage in regular discussions and debates about social issues which encourages them to prepare arguments and to share opinions in a constructive and respectful manner. Students are encouraged to follow oracy frameworks, which support the development of communication skills, and ground rules, rooted on showing mutual respect. These are revisited every lesson.

Relationships and Sexual Education (RSE)

RSE Parent Letter

RSE Programme by Year

RSE Policy

RSE Feedback Form