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Exams and Performance:

The Government School and College Performance Tables can be found using the following website:

School Performance Tables

Exam Certificates/Transcript

These must be requested by sending an email to exam@kingsmead.org with your full legal name when you took your exams and date of birth.
Please allow 48 hours for this request. You will receive an email when they are ready for collection. If someone else is collecting them on your behalf they must bring some proof of their identification or a copy of your email - a signature is required on collection. We keep certificates for 5 years.

In the event of lost certificates you will need to contact the Exam Boards directly yourself we are unable to do it on your behalf.

Exam Boards


Number on Roll 1562
NOR Sixth Form 253
Pupil Premium 488
FSM 462
SEND Support 128
White British 21.3
Black Caribbean 75
EAL 496
Number of LAC 14
ADACI IMD Score (Index of Multiple Deprivation 28.5
Progress 8 22-23 +0.41
Attainment 8 22-23  50.51
5+ Grade En/Maths 22-23  47.7%
4+ Grade En/Maths 22-23  73%
EBacc 5+  25.9%
Ebacc 4+  44.9%
Progress 8 English  0.28
Progress 8 Maths  0.13
Progress 8 EBBAC  0.52
Progress 8 Open  0.59
EBBAC entry  90.95%
KS2 Avg Point Score  104.22
A*-A Grades  12.1
A*-B Grades  40.6
A*-C Grades  72.1
A*-E Grades  99.2
Avg Pt score  31.55
APS as grade  C
ALPS Score  5

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Please Click Here to download the above table