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Careers Education

The Careers’ Program at Kingsmead

The Careers’ program at Kingsmead is a highly effective and motivating program in line with the Gatsby Benchmarks outlined in the Government’s 2017 Careers Strategy, that prepares our students to be able to access a university course or a professional career. Our definition of ‘professional’ encompasses all careers requiring a serious, professional attitude supported by commitment to achieving academic or specialist qualifications. 

These 8 Benchmarks of good careers guidance are:

1. A stable careers programme
2. Learning from career and labour market information
3. Addressing the needs of each student
4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
5. Encounters with employers and employees
6. Experiences of workplaces
7. Encounters with further and higher education
8. Personal Guidance

During their time at Kingsmead, students are presented with a series of opportunities and challenges intended to broaden their outlook. Students’ experiences are tailored to meet the needs of broader career pathways. A mix of tutorial activities, workshops, Drop-down days, presentations, university and workplace visits, work experience and careers fairs, alongside personalised academic mentoring ensures that all students are focused on career pathways from the start of their time in the school. The curriculum prepares students for adult life and equips them to access the opportunities it offers. As well as building knowledge and skills, the Kingsmead careers curriculum, through its design and implementation, intentionally develops the personal values of courage, collaboration, nurture, and rigour, which we believe to be the cornerstones of a successful professional career.

The academic mentoring program is based on the ‘GROW’ model and as they move through the school, students build a ‘passport to success’. Through the Readiness Curriculum, all students at Kingsmead have opportunities to learn about access to alternative routes to employment, including vocational qualification and apprenticeship, as required by the Baker Clause.


Careers Leaders

Corrina Batteson
Deputy Headteacher
0208 351 5000

Nicola Jean-Louis
0208 351 5000

If you would like to assist with a careers event or share your own career journey with our students please contact us by email:

Yasmin Lamrhari, Careers Coordinator,  ylamrhari@kingsmead.org

Charlotte Austin, Programme Manager at Future First, charlotte.auston@futurefirst.org 

 Use the career comparison tool below to find out about different careers.


Measuring Impact

In order to measure the efficacy of our careers programme, we analyse:

  • Student destination data
  • Feedback from student and teacher evaluations, parents, university partners, and our career service links
  • Engagement with former students through alumni events, including our High Achievers Evening.


The Baker Clause is an amendment to the Technical and Further Education Act 2017 which states that schools must allow colleges and training providers access to all students in years 8- 13 to tell them about non-academic routes which are available to them.

The provisions made at Kingsmead School are detailed in the Provider Access Policy.

In summary, all students at Kingsmead have opportunities to learn about opportunities to access alternative routes to employment, including vocational qualifications and apprenticeships via readiness curriculum activities which include; drop down days, assemblies, tutorials, Unifrog, work experience and careers fairs.


National Careers Service


A government resource providing information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work. This includes job profiles, course finder, interview and CV guidance, and information on how to contact the service

UCAS Further Education


The website for ‘The Universities and Colleges Admissions Service’, providing up-to-date information on careers, apprenticeships, university courses and finance.

Russell Group Informed Choices


A guide, created by the Russell Group, providing relevant information about the variety of pre and post 16 qualifications, subject choices, and university courses.

Complete University Guide


An independent guide to universities and courses, providing league tables and information on open days, finance, fees and university life.

Student Finance



Information and guidance on funding and finance for students, covering tuition fees, maintenance loans, grants, bursaries and scholarships.