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Vision and Principles


Kingsmead Sixth Form is the academic sixth form for North London’s most ambitious.
We guide ambitious, aspirational young people to achieve academic success in their journey to university, high level apprenticeships and ultimately to fulfilling professional careers.


Our principles are to ensure academic success through a rigorous curriculum, high quality teaching and systematic assessment.
We underpin our principles on three pillars of success: Academic, Readiness and Behaviour.
We offer students a wide, diverse curriculum of subjects and require students to be courageous in their career choices with no limit to success.
We offer students an enriching experience through extra-curricular opportunities and encourage students to be resourceful in maximising their time and opportunities to become well-rounded citizens.


The Sixth Form dress code plays an important role in contributing to the ethos and values of both the sixth form and the wider school. The dress code should allow students to express themselves as individuals, but in an appropriate way.

It is particularly important that the dress code recognises that the school is a working environment for students and staff; the public perception of the school should be important to all of us.

Sixth Form students are role models for the rest of the school and are leaders who will represent the school both formally and informally, and so we have a smart dress code* which reflects a professional learning environment.

Sixth Form students at Kingsmead School must therefore observe the following dress code guidelines:

  • Student ID and lanyards must be always worn.
  • Smart trousers or jeans (no rips), skirt or dress (must come to at least fingertips)
  • Smart shirt or blouse, plain jumper / blazer / tie optional
  • Shoes or trainers, only footwear that has a supporting back.

If students do not comply with the above, and they are unable to rectify, they may be sent home to change.

*Plain t-shirt on hot summer days - this will be advised by the Sixth Form Team ahead of a dress code alteration.