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Sixth Form Pledge

Kingsmead Sixth Form is the academic sixth form for North London’s most ambitious.  We guide ambitious, aspirational young people to achieve academic success in their journey to university, high level apprenticeships and ultimately to fulfilling professional careers.  

Our principles are to ensure academic success through a rigorous curriculum, high quality teaching and systematic assessment.  We underpin our principles on three pillars of success: Academic, Readiness and Behaviour.  We offer students a wide, diverse curriculum of subjects and require students to be courageous in their career choices with no limit to success.  Offering students an enriching experience through extra-curricular opportunities and by encouraging students to be resourceful in maximising their time and opportunities to become well-rounded citizens. 

We promise to deliver excellent teaching, high levels of support and guidance, and great opportunities to enhance learning, skills, and experiences.  These things combined will place all students in the best possible position when applying for universities and employment.  We deliberately set aside time devoted to helping students’ understand these things. We call this the Readiness Curriculum, it is carefully planned across the entire experience of school and taken very seriously.  In addition to the dedicated daily time assigned the Character Curriculum delivered through our tutorial program, we deliver four Drop Down Days and a drop down week at the beginning and end of every academic year where the academic curriculum is suspended and students are offered experiences that deepen knowledge, provide appropriate transition support, careers activities and opportunities for students to work with external agencies, have access to Universities and Apprenticeship providers and partake in trips to enhance the curriculum and their understanding of the wider world.  Throughout their time at Sixth Form, our students Pledge their commitment to take responsibility and accountability for their own learning and development, ensuring that they ‘graduate’ from Kingsmead Sixth Form with the best outcomes. 

This is a two-year process which starts at the beginning of Year Twelve and concludes with a Graduation Ceremony at the end of Year Thirteen as part of our leaver’s ceremony. 

Assessment Criteria 

Unifrog Competencies – using the Unifrog online careers portal, students upload their skills and attributes. Students will be encouraged to use this platform to develop skills, engage with news articles, blogs and complete activities, completing CV’s and Personal statements annually. 

Engagement in Enrichment and super curricular activities -All students will be expected to engage in the rich offer of enrichment offered at Kingsmead, attendance at which will be tracked. We have a wide range of opportunities including the Duke of Edinburgh Awards (Bronze, Silver & Gold), the Kingsmead sixth form newsletter, the Diana Mentoring Programme, Supporting or leading whole school enrichment, The Arts Emergency Mentoring scheme, The Brilliant Club Scholars program, Academic lectures to name just a few.  

Engagement with Community Action – All students are expected to engage in community action, volunteering (expected requirement for DofE), Volunteering as reading buddies in our feeder primary schools, Organisation of Charity events, Work on community action projects. Participation in Year Council, Student council, Head Team, supporting First Give, Empathy projects and other social action projects offered in school and the wider community.  volunteering as a mentor in school for students in YR8-YR11, volunteering to support school behaviour at Break & Lunch. 

Engagement with Learning - During the year, teachers will assess students on a 1-4 scale as part of our engagement capture. 1 = Excellent and 4 = Cause for concern. Every student's scores are collated, and then an average is worked out.  

Positive Achievement Points - Students receive achievement points for excellent classwork, effort, homework and contributing to the wider school, these points are awarded under the categories of; Formality, Kindness, being Purposeful and for being Responsible. 

Attendance - We know that there is a direct link between good attendance and success in exams and later in University Life and in Professional Careers. To graduate with 'Platinum' students need to have an attendance rate of at least 99%. We take into account serious injury or illness. 

Punctuality - being punctual is a very important life skill, particularly in preparing students for the world of work. We expect students to attend school and lessons on time. 

Success Criteria and outcomes 






Unifrog Competencies  

At least 9 competencies have been completed along with other tools/ activities (e.g., Personal Statement) 

At least 12 competencies have been completed along with other tools/ activities (e.g., Personal Statement) 

At least 15 competencies have been completed along with other tools/ activities (e.g., Personal Statement) 

At least 18 competencies have been completed along with other tools/ activities (e.g., Personal Statement) 

Engagement with Enrichment and Super Curricular Activities 

Participation in at least 1 enrichment or super curricular activity - evidenced 

Participation in 

2-4 enrichment or super curricular activities - evidenced 

Participation in 5 enrichment or super curricular activities - evidenced 

Participation in 6 or more enrichment or super curricular activities - evidenced 

Engagement with Community Action 

A good role model within the school community and has been involved in at least 1 community activity/ volunteering opportunity 

A good role model within the school community and has been involved in 2-3 community activities/ volunteering opportunities 

A good role model within the school community and has been involved in 4-5 community activities/ volunteering opportunities 

A good role model within the school community and has been involved in 6 or more community activities/ volunteering opportunities 

Engagement with Learning  

A folder/book is in place for each subject and includes course specification. On track in most subjects, and putting in good effort in all 

A folder/book is in place for each subject and includes course specification. On track in all subjects, and putting in good effort in all 

A folder/book is in place for each subject and includes course specification. On track in all subjects and exceeding expectations in some 

A folder/book is in place for each subject and includes course specification. Exceeding expectations in all subjects 

Positive Achievement 

Between 50 – 64 Achievement points 

At least 65 – 79 Achievement points 

Between 80 - 99 Achievement points 

100 or more Achievement points 


Attendance is between 


Attendance is between  


Attendance is between 


Attendance is 99% or above 


No more than 10 consequences recorded for lateness 

No more than 5 consequences recorded for lateness 

2 or less consequences recorded for lateness 

No consequences recorded for lateness 


Passport Timeline & implementation 

Year Twelve 

Autumn 1.1 

Launch - information shared with all stakeholders. 

Drop Down Zero, Student pledge launch, students register on Unifrog, Work Experience Launch,  

Weekly celebration of Achievement points in assemblies. 

Weekly monitoring of punctuality and attendance. 

Engagement Capture one. 

Participation in Enrichment, Super curricular and Community Action projects, the Character Curriculum and any additional opportunities offered. 


Form tutors 

Sixth Form admin 

Data manager 

Year Twelve 

Autumn 1.2 

Drop Down Day One – University Trips 

Recording of competencies on Unifrog. 

Weekly celebration of Achievement points in assemblies. 

Weekly monitoring of punctuality and attendance. 

Participation in Enrichment, Super curricular and Community Action projects, the Character Curriculum and any additional opportunities offered. 

Engagement Capture Two.  AP data. 

Reflection on achievement and celebration of progress in mini achievement ceremony. 

Potential participation in School Production, DofE 

Engagement with community action project of student choice. 


Form tutors 

Sixth Form admin 

Data manager 

Year Twelve 


Spring 1.1 

Drop Down Day Two – Social Action; primary school workshops and visits, volunteering in the community and supporting YR11 taster day. 

Recording of competencies on Unifrog. 

Weekly celebration of Achievement points in assemblies. 

Weekly monitoring of punctuality and attendance. 

Participation in Enrichment, Super curricular and Community Action projects, the Character Curriculum and any additional opportunities offered. 

Reflection on achievement and celebration of progress in mini achievement ceremony. 

Potential participation in DofE 

Engagement with community action project of student choice. 


Form tutors 

Sixth Form admin 

Data manager 

Year Twelve 

Spring 1.2 

Drop Down Day Three –Social Action; primary school workshops and visits, volunteering in the community and supporting YR11 taster day. 

Recording of competencies on Unifrog. 

Weekly celebration of Achievement points in assemblies. 

Weekly monitoring of punctuality and attendance. 

Participation in Enrichment, Super curricular and Community Action projects, the Character Curriculum and any additional opportunities offered. 

Reflection on achievement and celebration of progress in mini achievement ceremony. 

Potential participation in DofE 

Engagement with community action project of student choice. Potential to support YR7 with fundraising for First Give programme. 


Form tutors 

Sixth Form admin 

Data manager 

Year Twelve 

Summer 1.1 

Recording of competencies on Unifrog. 

Weekly celebration of Achievement points in assemblies. 

Weekly monitoring of punctuality and attendance. 

Participation in Enrichment, Super curricular and Community Action projects, the Character Curriculum and any additional opportunities offered. 

Reflection on achievement and celebration of progress in mini achievement ceremony. 

Potential participation in DofE 

Engagement with community action project of student choice. Potential to support YR7 with fundraising for First Give programme. 

Reflection on achievement and celebration of progress in mini achievement ceremony. 


Form tutors 

Sixth Form admin 

Data manager 

Year Twelve 

Summer 1.2 

Engagement Capture Three. 

Work Experience 

Recording of competencies on Unifrog. 

Weekly celebration of Achievement points in assemblies. 

Weekly monitoring of punctuality and attendance. 

Participation in Enrichment, Super curricular and Community Action projects, the Character Curriculum and any additional opportunities offered. 

Potential participation in DofE 

Engagement with community action project of student choice. 

Potential participation in; Sports Day, Culture Day, Dance & Drama Evening and the school Concert.  

Completion of End of Year Personal Statement. 

Reflection on achievement and celebration of progress in end of year achievement ceremony. 


Form tutors 

Sixth Form admin 

Data manager 

Year Thirteen 

Autumn 1.1 

Drop Down Zero – UCAS, Life Skills 

Engagement Capture one. 

Recording of competencies on Unifrog. 

Weekly celebration of Achievement points in assemblies. 

Weekly monitoring of punctuality and attendance. 

Participation in Enrichment, Super curricular and Community Action projects, the Character Curriculum and any additional opportunities offered. 

Potential participation in DofE 

Engagement with community action project of student choice. 


Form tutors 

Sixth Form admin 

Data manager 

Year Thirteen 

Autumn 1.2 

Drop Down Day One – Social action and volunteering in the community. 

Engagement Capture Two. 

Recording of competencies on Unifrog. 

Weekly celebration of Achievement points in assemblies. 

Weekly monitoring of punctuality and attendance. 

Participation in Enrichment, Super curricular and Community Action projects, the Character Curriculum and any additional opportunities offered. 

Potential participation in DofE 

Engagement with community action project of student choice. 


Form tutors 

Sixth Form admin 

Data manager 

Year Thirteen 

Spring 1.1 

Drop Down Day Two – Personal Finance, Cooking Skills, Mental Health. 

Recording of competencies on Unifrog. 

Weekly celebration of Achievement points in assemblies. 

Weekly monitoring of punctuality and attendance. 

Participation in Enrichment, Super curricular and Community Action projects, the Character Curriculum and any additional opportunities offered. 

Engagement with community action project of student choice. 


Form tutors 

Sixth Form admin 

Data manager 

Year Thirteen 

Spring 1.2 

Drop Down Day Three – Careers Fair, Sex Education, Prevent. 

Delivery of Empathy programme. 

Potential participation in; Spring Concert.  

Reflection on achievement and celebration of progress in mini achievement ceremony. 


Form tutors 

Sixth Form admin 

Data manager 

Year Thirteen 

Summer 1.1 

Recording of competencies on Unifrog. 

A’Level Exams 


Form tutors 

Sixth Form admin 

Data manager 

Year Thirteen 

Summer 1.2 

A’Level Exams 


Graduation Ceremony 



Form tutors 

Sixth Form admin 

Data manager